DSSU Executive Committee Members

PRESIDENT John Cuffaro jcuffaro@dawsoncollege.qc.ca 1789 2024-26
V.P. INTERNAL Garth Farray gfarray@dawsoncollege.qc.ca 5214 2023-25
V.P. COMMUNICATIONS Karina D’Ermo kdermo@dawsoncollege.qc.ca 1405 2023-25
V.P. EXTERNAL Anne-Marie Papillon ampapillon@dawsoncollege.qc.ca 1161 2023-25
SECRETARY Marion Preston-Sexton mpsexton@dawsoncollege.qc.ca 1176 2024-26
TREASURER Jonathan Perlman jperlman@dawsoncollege.qc.ca 1426 2024-25

The Executive Committee meets at least bi-weekly during the fall and winter semesters, once a month during summer and non-school periods; date and place set by the President. Quorum is set at fifty percent plus one (50% + 1) of the members.

The duties of the Executive Committee are as follows

(a) to administer the operations of the Union;
(b) to determine the dates and places of meetings, General Assemblies and Special General Assemblies;
(c) to administer the funds of the Union within the limitations of the budget;
(d) to implement all decisions taken by the General Assembly;
(e) to form committees necessary to study, discuss, promote, or attain the aims of the union;
(f) to receive complaints from members, examining and taking action on them;
(g) to replace by appointment any officer who has resigned;
(h) to designate the person(s) who will represent the Union or the members thereof officially when participation is required at an organization or committee;
(i) to prepare agendas for Executive, Coordinating Council and General Assembly meetings;
(j) to consult and make recommendations to the Coordinating Council and General Assembly;
(k) to authorize all requests for syndical leave.